Friday, September 5, 2008

A little 5/5

So I tried out a new club today. I wanted to play their 1/2, but it wasn't running so I sat in the 5/5 game. I had $630 on. So I buy in full for $500 and quickly lose $250 or so. AK vs 88 all in preflop loses and I get rivered and check behind a couple times. I get 99 vs xx (AQ i think?) all in preflop and turn a set. Then I hit ace high flush vs 10 high flush and KK vs AK flop AK8. And AQ vs AA which hits a straight (rivered it, he checked the turn back lol). And a set of tens against a bluff. The set of tens hand is funny. It's limped in 5 ways and the flop is J107 all spades. Buddy bets $25, I call, guy to my left calls. On the turn, low brick, buddet bets $35, I call, guy to my left raises smallish to like $90 or something. Buddy folds, I call. River is a king, no spade, I check, guy bets like $95.... i hem and haw and ask him to show me one. He shows me the 2c (LOL) and I c/r all in because now I have the nuts. He folds. I also had aces, $25 5 ways when it gets to me, I make it $125. Guy who was the 4th caller preflop calls the $100 raise with Ks9s and check folds the Q74 flop.

Then we start playing omaha. I really don't know how to play. I do ok I guess. Eventually we switch back to Hold'em. I end up $1000 profit, and I get fairly drunk 6-7 beers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that guy showed you the deuce of clubs on a board like that! +1000 for the day? That's unreal.